13.06.2019 | Biel
Reduction of Emissions and Energy Consumption of IC Engines – Actual Challenges and Developments
Dear Colleagues, dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,
The activities of the Laboratory for Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB) of the Bern University of Applied Sciences, Department Engineering and Information Technology (BFH-TI), Biel CH started on April 2nd, 1979 under the direction of Prof. Paul Wittwer. Laboratories for IC-Engines & Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB) was founded as an “Environmental Laboratory of the Automotive Division” together with the Federal Office of Roads (ASTRA). Except of great contributions to the teaching activities, AFHB could work for authorities and for industry supplying research and service works. In the BFH, AFHB developed and keeps in service the ICE-Laboratories. Several activities about energy consumption and alternative fuels were conducted together with the Federal Office of Energy (BfE).
In collaboration with the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA), the AFHB contributed to several ideas about environmental consciousness in transport and about rational use of energy. AFHB represents the Swiss Networks, which work on these topics on the national and international stage.
For the 40th anniversary, we organize an international jubilee conference. Please find attached the program of the day. We are honored to welcome you on this occasion.
You can find the official invitation and the program here: Invitation__program_conference_v.2